Relocating Your World

Additional Services

Relocating to a new country does not mean just moving your personal effects and getting in the plane, it involves much more complicated issues for the employee and family members. Cetra Relocations has carefully developed its international services to help your executives and their families adapt to their new environment.

Additional Services


Whether you are on temporary assignment, relocating to another city or experiencing a delay on your household goods shipment, Cetra Furniture Rentals can help you feel at home faster by finding the right furniture and accesories to furnish your home.

All our furniture is new and modern, so they will match perfectly with today´s new architecture.

The advantages and benefits of renting furniture, home wasre and appliances are limitless. Are you and your family faced with the need to live for a limited period away from your country where you don´t already have a home or where your home isn´t ready yet? What are the options?

  • Hotels are a very expensive solution for anything more than a short stay, and can be stressful especially for other family members
  • Temporary accommodation gets you more living space, but is expensive
  • Furnished accommodation is not what you might be thinking furniture and household goods that come with it probably won´t be what you have chosen
  • Renting unfurnished accommodation and buying the necessary contents takes time and involves major capital outlay

Compared to any of the above, renting furniture and other hosehold goods is THE OPTION.

For short and medium stays it can be more economic and less stressful than shipping your own furniture here.

For longer stays, is also a good option on reducing the gap until your own furniture arrives or departs.


Placing transferees in temporary apartments offers your company savings over booking them in hotel rooms. Our apartments are less expensive per night than extended stay hotel rooms, and you won´t have to pay the service taxes required at hotels Since every apartment has a complete kitchen, you won´t have to pay restaurant prices for every meal.

Temporary apartments are even more cost-efective when transferees are relocating with their families. An entire family can be comfortably accommodated in one apartment, instead of in multiple hotel rooms.


Cetra Relocations has been granted by the Mexican government the permit to translate your document that requires an official translation, you can always count on Cetra Relocation specialist.


Cetra Relocations is aware that dealing with government agencies and immigration offices is difficult and time consuming. Our Visa and Immigration Service was developed to take away from you one of the most difficult process of the relocation, allowing us to obtain it for you.